

About me

I'm a physics student in "Sapienza Università di Roma".
I am interested in many different topics, mostly I have been concerned with the study of systems composed of many - often interacting - components.
The 2 areas on which I have focused my Master studies are:

I am also particoularly interested in the foundations of quantum mechanics and in general in the history and philosophy of science.
My other big passions, outside of physics, are drawing and anything sea related (swimming, freediving, scuba diving, surfing...).

Here is a short version of my full CV:

You can get a rough idea of what I'm like from this list of heroes of mine: Pierre Gilles de Gennes, Enrico Fermi, Marie Curie, Alan Turing, Sylvia Earle, Quentin Blake, Kim Jung Gi.

And from this list of my favourite books: The lord of the rings, The sirens of titan, IT, Maus, Enigma: la strana vita di Alan Turing.